Florian Arvanitopoulos grew up almost in the photo studio.
After finishing school and a little insight into graphic design, he completed his studies in photography in Hamburg. After graduation and assistance with well-known photographers, then the takeover of the photostudio of the known father, with a transformation into modernity until today.
"Florian is eloquent. It is therefore probable that the self-evident precision with which he deals with projects is realized only when looking at the results. His interest is practically everything. For him there is nothing more beautiful than a motive to grasp its essence and capture its qualities. A perfectionist who keeps you entertained like a good bartender. The technique and the eye of the famous father in the Fotostudio as taken for granted.
Great photography as an everyday companion. Studying and own Fotostudio as a logical consequence. Dedication and passion as a vocation. Occasionally interrupted by engines and gasoline, family and sports. A city man. Always awake. With eyes and ears everywhere. Aesthetics and pedant. Ready to take on any competition: professional in the search for unusual guides and new ways.
"Always at the pulse of time."
L. Dietrich, Creative Director, CEO